
Welcome To Scott Mandelker's Web Site.

Seeing the deep suffering of human war, there is no escaping the pain of this planet:      

"Happy Xmas (War is Over)" - John Lennon:

Feeling this, seeing this, we should be kind to ourselves.
Recalling human suffering, let us all grow up and stop denying inner pain.
Let us be real, towards ourselves and in all our relations.


Certainly, this New Year will not see 'war is over.'
The people of this world cannot yet cease their self-made pain.
In this reality, we feel silent horror and shock, but this is love…

Outer conditions may change little in 2008, or they may change radically.
Yet, what is important never changes, and there is the rock of true security.
I open my heart to your pain, it is my pain as well, but I cannot take it from you.

I cannot save you, only you can save yourself; this we should all understand.
Conditions of mind are born of mind; karma is all self-generated, not given by others.
Yet, with eyes of light we see beauty everywhere, despite the misery of humanity.

Deep feeling is a good thing; running from pain makes us shallow and confused.
Let us face reality on earth and in ourselves without flinching, drinking deep by the heart.
May we all ripen further this year, and know all life as one, our family, our breath.

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Human Suffering and Living in Reality - welcome to scott ...

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リビア エコノミックヒットマン - YouTube

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